Author Archives: admin

Version 3.041 update

Version 3.041

Fixed audio issue with the PREVIEW function on the main menu bar.

corrected bug description “in the main PREVIEW button (to preview the whole video, as opposed to individual scenes), the audio doesn’t start from the beginning. It picks up where I left off on the SCENE PREVIEW.”

new in 3.033

New in 3.033:

– NEW FEATURE – Support for more then 32 audios (before max was 32 and projects with more failed to export)
– fixed – audio levels (should be bood now but needs more testing)
– fixed – cursor jumps to the end of the line after using the one free space in between the words when entering single letters
– fixed issues with project audio – keep repeating on slide preview is some cases
– fixed about 11 more minor bugs

new in 3.032

All reported bugs fixed and new Hand Sync feature:

On the timeline, on each slide you have a rectangle with an “s” in it. When pressed it turns red and sync is enabled. What it does is sync the slide the previous one, the one on top of it, meaning that it sketches from slide to slide without the hand going out also it synks the position with the previous one. This means that it positiones itself right after the previous slide. When the previous slide gets moved, it also updates the synced slides position.
you cannot move the synced by itself, it is locked after the “synced to” slide above it’s position. you have a switch to sync also in the slide’s control panel.



new in 3.029

This is bug fixing update.

Bugs fixed: testing directory structure, the double hand. 3d objects sometimes not working, multiple .explaindio save.